Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21st - 2010 (jk)

3rd flu of the year. Strange the Moscow virus, hardly any runny nose or sore throat, but painfully aching bones and dull heavy head, hurts to move the eyeballs. Well worth cancelling the Monday morning lesson for that bit of extra sleep. Back feels like it's been battered by hammers. "Terra Flu" helps to knock you out to sleep, not sure what else. No hot water for a month now, while Moscow "cleans its water pipes". Same old story. Not so bad now, bowl of kettle water, got the art of the strip wash down to a tee. No place to store the new Vespa. Wouldn't fit up the ramp outside the flat. The old concierge has promised to help, even offered to keep it in her little room for 10javascript:void(0)0rb a day. Get me to the seaside, Moscow is too hot and stuffy.


  1. Hey Joe I just recovering from the first bone acher of the year.. Now good to go

  2. Hey Charlie, I only just saw this. Glad you recovered! ;-)
